Modifying Child Support Before College in Georgia






Separated parents should consider the cost of college before their children leave home. Your existing child support order may not cover tuition and related expenses, and you might be able to modify your agreement before the end of high school. This could help ensure financial security and continued education for your child, and it is worth discussing alongside an experienced child support lawyer in Georgia.


Why Should I Modify Child Support Before My Kids Leave for College?


Normal child support does not cover college tuition in Georgia. This is because when the average child graduates from high school, they have reached legal adulthood. Child support is only for children, so it does not cover post-adulthood expenses like college tuition. 


That being said, it may be possible to address this issue with the right strategy – as long as you act before your children leave home. The first step is to review your existing child support agreement. You might have drafted this agreement many years ago, and you may be unfamiliar with its exact wording. 


Many parents create provisions for college tuition when they first divorce or separate. You might already have agreements in place for how tuition should be paid. If you need help reviewing your existing child support agreement, contact a lawyer. 


Can You Modify a Child Support Order Before College?


If your current child support agreement does not contain any details about college tuition, you may be able to modify it. Courts may see college as a “change in circumstance,” and they may allow parents to create their own private agreements on this subject as a result. Note that this process must take place through private negotiations outside of court since there are no laws that mandate post-adulthood support for healthy, non-incapacitated children. 


During mediated negotiations or similar alternative dispute resolution (ADR) processes, parents can agree on how they would like to handle college tuition. Private agreements can be highly flexible, and courts will likely approve them if drafted properly. After all, attending college is in the best interests of most adult children. 


Parents can decide how much they would like to contribute to the child’s education, and these contributions can reflect each parent’s income level. Note that it is never too early to start thinking about college tuition. The earlier you start, the easier it may be to take advantage of college funds, bursaries, grants, and other opportunities for increased savings. 


Can a Child Support Lawyer in Georgia Help With College Tuition?


A child support lawyer in Georgia may be able to answer many questions regarding college tuition as your children finish high school. You can ask these questions during an initial consultation, and this initial conversation may provide plenty of useful insights. Consider speaking with Lankford & Moore Law, a family law firm with plenty of experience in this subject. Schedule your consultation today to get started. 

I realized the true function of a lawyer was to unite parties riven asunder. The lesson was so indelibly burnt into me that a large part of my time during the twenty years of my practice as a lawyer was occupied in bringing about private compromises of hundreds of cases. I lost nothing thereby — not even money, certainly not my soul.

Mahatma Gandhi

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