How Can You Increase Your Child Support in Georgia?

It may be possible to increase your child support payments in Georgia, but only under certain circumstances. Before you attempt to receive higher child support payments, you may want to review the basics of child support “modifications.” Georgia has specific rules about when parents can change their court-ordered child support. To learn more, consider contacting an experienced child support lawyer in Georgia

Consider Whether There Has Been a “Change in Circumstance”

First, consider whether your situation has changed since the child support order went into effect. Generally speaking, modifying your child support is only possible if there has been a “change in circumstance.” These changes must be financial in nature, and they must cast doubt upon the original agreement. 

For example, the original child support agreement might state that your ex should pay you $2,000 in child support each month. However, this agreement may have been based on a specific level of income that your ex received at the time. If your ex’s income subsequently rises from $10,000 per month to $20,000 per month, courts may recognize that your situation has changed – and they may allow you to receive higher levels of income. 

Consider Your Own Financial Situation

Aside from your ex’s income, you should also consider your own financial situation – and whether it has changed since your child support agreement was created. Your ex’s income might stay the same, but your own income may decrease over the years. As a result, you may be less able to provide for your own child – and you might receive more child support as a result. You might also suffer a disability of some kind that limits your ability to work. These are all factors family courts may consider when modifying custody agreements. 

Note that your lack of financial stability or ill health may cause issues with child custody. Family courts may determine that you are no longer a reliable provider for your child and that your poor health makes you an unsuitable parent. Consider these factors before pursuing higher child support due to your own struggles. 

Consider the Best Interests of the Child

Finally, you should consider whether your child’s life has changed since the support agreement was created. Perhaps your child needs more child support due to medical issues. Maybe they have higher educational costs. Whatever the case may be, family courts may be willing to increase their child support payments if they clearly serve the best interests of the child. 

Find an Experienced Child Support Lawyer in Georgia

Child support modifications depend heavily on the unique circumstances of each family. One parent might have the right to modify their child support due to a disability, while this option may not be possible for a different parent. As a result of these varying circumstances, it makes sense to discuss your specific situation alongside an experienced family law attorney in Georgia. Reach out to Lankford & Moore Law today to get started. 

I realized the true function of a lawyer was to unite parties riven asunder. The lesson was so indelibly burnt into me that a large part of my time during the twenty years of my practice as a lawyer was occupied in bringing about private compromises of hundreds of cases. I lost nothing thereby — not even money, certainly not my soul.

Mahatma Gandhi

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