Faulty School Zone Cameras Exposed in Atlanta

The controversy surrounding school zone speed cameras continues in Georgia, and the latest chapter in this debacle involves a malfunctioning set of “speed flashers” in Atlanta. As a result of this defective technology, numerous drivers received unfair speeding tickets. If you received a similar ticket, it may have been caused by some kind of error. To find out the truth, you can book a consultation with a traffic law attorney in Georgia. These legal professionals can investigate your situation in more detail and expose technological malfunctions. This may allow you to avoid financial penalties. 

Flashers Stopped Working 15 Minutes Early

According to Fox 5 Atlanta, numerous motorists have received tickets due to malfunctioning speed warning systems in Atlanta. These problems occurred near Drew Charter School, where a set of signs clearly state that the speed limit is 25 miles per hour only when warning lights flash. 

The problem is that these flashing lights were not working properly. They stopped flashing 15 minutes early in the morning hours and in again the afternoonfalsely indicating that the 25-mph speed limit no longer applied. These errors went undetected for more than five months. 

The drivers who increased their speed were captured by automated speed cameras, and they were issued speeding tickets as a result. In other words, the flashing lights and the speed cameras were not operating on the same schedule. The city obviously failed to properly integrate these two separate components. 

A Simple Solution: Use Better Signs

Although Georgia seems intent on utilizing expensive and complex automated traffic technology, some believe that simple solutions are more effective. Investigative reporters uncovered plans to add more detailed signs to the road near Drew Charter School. These signs would communicate clear schedules associated with certain speed limits. 

One has to wonder whether technologically advanced solutions are truly effective if they continue to malfunction in this manner. Not only are signs cheaper to implement, but they are also easier to understand. With a quick glance at a sign, drivers can determine whether they should be driving at 25 miles per hour or 35 miles per hour through school zones. 

Many of the people who received traffic tickets due to this confusing and defective equipment have experienced positive results in court. Numerous judges have thrown out these tickets – and for obvious reasons. The issue is not limited to the road near Drew Charter School, and inconsistent or confusing signage has sparked numerous complaints throughout the state. 

If you received a traffic ticket due to confusing signs or defective technology, fighting your ticket at a DMV hearing could be easier than you realize. 

Find an Experienced Traffic Ticket Lawyer in Georgia

If you have been searching for an experienced traffic ticket lawyer in Georgia, look no further than Lankford & Moore Law. We are well aware of the issues that surround automated traffic cameras across Georgia. If you were issued a ticket due to some kind of malfunction, you may not need to pay it. Book a consultation today to discuss your unique situation in more detail. 

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