What Should I Do if My Ex is Not Paying Child Support in Georgia?

While most parents in Georgia are eager to support their children, some neglect their responsibilities and fail to pay child support. If you are facing financial burdens because your ex is not paying their fair share, you have every right to consider legal action. This issue may be relatively easy to resolve, and you can proceed confidently alongside an experienced child custody lawyer in Georgia.

Open a Child Support Case Online

The Government of Georgia states that if you are having trouble collecting your child support payments, you can open a case online. This marks the beginning of your attempt to enforce a support order. You can also call the Department of Child Support Services directly at 1-844-694-2347. However, this strategy may only be effective if you know where your ex lives. If your ex has disappeared without a trace, it may be impossible to fill out the required forms online. 

Hold Your Ex in Contempt of Court

Child support takes the form of a court order. As a result, any deviation from this payment plan represents a violation of the court order. If anyone in Georgia violates a court order, they may be held in contempt of court. According to the Government of Georgia, penalties for those in contempt of court include jail time, fines, or both. 

Another potential option is to have your ex enrolled in the Fatherhood Program or the Parental Accountability program. These programs help streamline your payments and hold your ex accountable. 

Consider Other Enforcement Options

If all else fails, the government can obtain child support from your ex without their consent. For example, they can forcibly intercept and garnish their paychecks. This strategy may prove effective even if you cannot locate your ex. They might also intercept and garnish their tax returns. 

To put further pressure on your ex, the government can lower your ex’s credit score, revoke their professional licenses, suspend their driver’s licenses, intercept lottery winnings, and even file a lien against their bank account. This should put enough pressure on your ex to do the right thing and hand over the child support funds. 

What if My Ex Denies Being Biologically Related to the Child?

If your ex denies that they are the mother or father of the child, you can order a DNA test to determine the truth of the matter. If the DNA test comes back negative, they may escape their child support obligations. If the test establishes a positive biological connection with the child, however, they may be forced to pay their fair share. 

Contact Lankford & Moore Law Today

If you would like to discuss your child support challenges in more detail, a consultation with a family law attorney in Georgia could be the right choice. Although internet research can provide plenty of answers, these answers may not apply to your unique situation. With help from Lankford & Moore Law, you can hold your ex accountable for failing to pay child support. Reach out today to get started with an action plan. 

I realized the true function of a lawyer was to unite parties riven asunder. The lesson was so indelibly burnt into me that a large part of my time during the twenty years of my practice as a lawyer was occupied in bringing about private compromises of hundreds of cases. I lost nothing thereby — not even money, certainly not my soul.

Mahatma Gandhi

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