Modifying Child Support Due to Educational Needs in Georgia

Responsible parents in Georgia care about providing their children with excellent educational resources – but this is not always easy after a divorce. A child’s educational needs may change drastically throughout the years, and these changes can be completely unexpected. Your child support should cover all of your child’s educational needs – but what happens when the original, agreed-upon payments are not enough? Can you modify your child support in Georgia

Examples of Changing Educational Needs During Childhood

A child may encounter various challenges and opportunities during their educational journey. Some may come with greater costs, time obligations, or travel needs. 

For example, your child may show signs of accelerated learning abilities at a young age. They may be gifted in one specific area, such as math or writing. They could also show proficiency in virtually all academic areas. Some students are clearly savant-level geniuses who require additional challenges and assistance on their journey toward success. 

Other children may show talents that are not exactly “academic” in nature. For example, a child might show signs of artistic talent in areas like dance, theater, painting, or music. They may also exhibit promising athletic abilities. 

Depending on the nature of your child’s unique attributes, various specialized learning programs could be worth exploring. There are many specialized schools and programs for gifted children in Georgia. 

Can I Receive More Child Support for Educational Needs?

You may attempt to modify your child support if you encounter a change in circumstance. If you incur higher costs than expected while funding your child’s education, this could lead to an increase in your child support payments. 

Specialized educational programs do not necessarily lead to higher costs, as some of these programs are publicly funded. The Gwinnett County Public Schools system offers the “FOCUS” program for elementary students, the “PROBE” program for middle school students, and the “QUEST” program for high school students. The school district identifies gifted students and offers admission into these programs free of charge. 

If you want to receive more child support based on educational needs, you need to show that you are incurring higher costs. For example, you might want to send your student to the Fulton Science Academy Private School. If your student shows athletic talent, you might choose the Blessed Trinity Catholic High School to ensure access to well-funded programs and coaching. Parents of artistically talented kids often choose the Atlanta International School, The New School, or Capstone Academy. 

Of course, private school tuition is not the only additional educational cost you might incur as a parent. Other examples include higher transport costs, specialized programs for special-needs children, and much more. 

Find an Experienced Child Support Lawyer in Georgia

If you have been searching for an experienced child support lawyer in Gwinnett County, look no further than Lankford & Moore Law. We know that child support can seem complex, especially when your original calculations prove insufficient. If your child needs extra support during their educational journey, you may have the opportunity to modify your existing arrangement. To learn more about modifying child support in Georgia, book a consultation today. 

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