Serious Situations That May Require Custody Modifications in Georgia


Some situations require urgent, immediate custody modifications in Georgia. While many parents attempt to gain full custody simply to spend more time with their kids, others pursue this legal strategy under much more serious circumstances. Children may face a range of threats in shared custody situations, and concerned parents could improve their safety by attempting to modify custody agreements. But when is this necessary, and what are some of the most serious situations that require this urgent approach?

Modifying Custody After DUI Crashes in Georgia

If you have learned that your child was involved in a DUI crash with your ex behind the wheel, you may be intent on winning full custody. This is an understandable goal, and you are justified in attempting to prevent future crashes. Social Services may become involved after these incidents, especially if the child has suffered injuries. Therefore, it may be easy to win sole custody after a DUI crash. However, defense lawyers can be quite proficient at helping DUI defendants avoid charges – and you may need to prove the dangerous nature of the incident in civil courts. Fortunately, the burden of proof for civil cases is lower compared to criminal cases – which should make it easier to prove your ex was intoxicated. 

Modifying Custody After Abuse or Domestic Violence

After an incident involving abuse or domestic violence, parents may wish to act quickly and ensure the safety of their children. If you have learned of such an incident, you can immediately file a protective order against your abusive or violent ax. This can help your child reach safety as quickly as possible. From there, you can pursue physical custody of the child to ensure this never happens again. 

Modifying Custody After Alleged Radicalization

If your child seems to be getting involved with radical religious or political groups, it may be time to modify your custody agreement before they become completely brainwashed. Your ex could be facilitating this radicalization, and you may need to act quickly to prevent induction into cults, extremist groups, and other organizations. 

Modifying Custody After Suicide Attempts

If your ex has attempted suicide with your children in the home, it is usually a good idea to pursue sole physical custody. This can help protect your children from both physical and psychological harm. 

Modifying Custody After Poor Academic Performance

If your child’s grades suddenly start slipping with no explanation, it may be due to some kind of issue at home. Slipping grades can have lasting consequences for your child’s future, and you might not even need to prove neglect or fault on behalf of your ex to modify custody in this situation. The mere existence of poor academic performance suggests that something is clearly wrong – and family law judges may agree that a modification is necessary. 

Find an Experienced Custody Attorney in Georgia

If you have been searching for an experienced custody attorney in Georgia, look no further than Lankford & Moore Law. Over the years, we have helped numerous divorced parents pursue positive custody results. We know that these situations require urgent, effective, and timely attention. With our assistance, you can ensure a safer environment for your child. Book your consultation today to learn more about your legal options. 


I realized the true function of a lawyer was to unite parties riven asunder. The lesson was so indelibly burnt into me that a large part of my time during the twenty years of my practice as a lawyer was occupied in bringing about private compromises of hundreds of cases. I lost nothing thereby — not even money, certainly not my soul.

Mahatma Gandhi

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