Gender is a complex and controversial issue in Atlanta. There is considerable debate in the city over whether or not teachers should be speaking to children about gender expression, as parents may have their own ideas on how they would like to approach this issue. This issue can be even more complicated if parents are divorced. Which parent gets to make decisions about a child’s gender expression? What if you do not agree with the way your ex is approaching gender-related issues? Could this result in a custody dispute in Atlanta?
The Parent with Legal Custody Makes Major Child-Raising Decisions
Generally speaking, the parent with sole legal custody has decision-making authority when it comes to major, complex parenting issues. These might involve medical treatments, religious choices, educational decisions, and so on. The question of a child’s gender expression may fall into this general category.
That being said, sole legal custody is a relatively rare arrangement in Georgia. Most of the time, parents share legal custody after a divorce. In other words, each parent has equal decision-making authority when it comes to these major issues – and neither can make an important decision about the child with the other’s approval.
Naturally, this can lead to major legal issues whenever parents disagree about these major decisions. Divorced parents routinely disagree about things like vaccines, education, religion, and gender expression.
What Happens if Parents with Shared Legal Custody Cannot Agree About Gender?
If parents with shared legal custody cannot agree on how to handle questions of gender expression, this may result in litigation. However, parents usually try to resolve the dispute with alternative strategies – such as mediation. In these private negotiations, parents attempt to settle things outside of court. This not only streamlines the process but also saves on legal fees.
If alternative dispute resolution strategies prove unsuccessful, parents may be forced to go to court. In a custody hearing, a family court judge may consider the situation and determine which parent should have sole decision-making authority. They may grant one parent the right to make a one-time decision about gender expression, or they may give that parent the right to make all gender-related decisions in the future. Alternatively, they can give one parent sole legal custody for all future decisions – whether they involve medical issues, religious issues, educational issues, or anything else. Effective legal representation is critical in this scenario to make compelling arguments and tell your side of the story.
Find a Qualified Child Custody Attorney in Atlanta
If you have been searching for an experienced child custody attorney in Atlanta, look no further than Lankford & Moore Law. Over the years, we have helped numerous parents deal with complex custody-related issues. We know that both parents may have very different ideas on how they want to raise their children – and sometimes litigation is the only way to resolve these disputes. To learn more about your options and rights as a parent in Atlanta, book a consultation today.