Can I Modify Child Support in Georgia?


Child support is often one of the most contentious issues between parents in Georgia. Those paying child support may feel that this obligation is too high, while those receiving child support may feel that they are not getting enough. While both parents almost always agree that financially supporting their children is important, it is often difficult to agree upon a fair sum that serves everyone’s best interests. Modifying child support may be necessary if circumstances change after the initial agreement is created. But when exactly can you modify child support in Georgia?

Changes in Income

Perhaps the most obvious reason to modify your child support agreement is a change in income. This can take various forms:

  • Promotion of one spouse
  • Demotion of one spouse
  • Inheritance of one spouse
  • Investment losses
  • Investment gains
  • Retirement of one spouse
  • Disability of one spouse
  • Bonuses
  • Raises
  • Stock options
  • One spouse re-entering the workforce

Note that changes in income can both increase or decrease child support. If a spouse receiving child support suddenly starts earning more money, then they may receive less child support after modification. This is because child support is calculated based on income disparity between spouses. On the other hand, a spouse who is already paying child support may end up paying even more if their income rises. 

Changes in Custody

Child support may also be modified based on changes in physical custody. If a parent has sole physical custody and they earn less than the other parent, they will receive child support. But if they lose primary custody for whatever reason, there is no longer any justification for them to continue receiving child support. This is because they are no longer incurring the costs associated with being the primary caregiver. For example, a parent may lose sole physical custody due to neglect or abuse. The other parent will not only take sole physical custody in this scenario, but they will also stop paying child support to their ex. 

Changes in the Child’s Needs

Finally, child support may be modified based on a change in the child’s needs. For example, a child might suddenly require extensive medical treatment. Parents can petition to alter child support in order to reflect these additional costs. A child’s needs may also change based on a number of additional circumstances, including:

  • Education
  • Travel
  • Security
  • Extra-curricular activities
  • Nutritional needs

The court may use its discretion when determining what child support should cover. For example, your child may become a star athlete during high school, and additional costs may be required to foster this new potential career path. These costs may not have been considered when the agreement was first created. 

Where Can I Find Child Support Attorneys in Georgia?

If you have been searching for a child support attorney in Georgia, look no further than Lankford & Moore Law. Over the years, we have helped numerous parents with various issues related to child support, including modifications. During a consultation, we can help you determine whether you might be able to modify your child support agreement. From there, we can guide you toward a positive outcome with better long-term financial freedom for your and your family. Book your consultation today to get started. 


I realized the true function of a lawyer was to unite parties riven asunder. The lesson was so indelibly burnt into me that a large part of my time during the twenty years of my practice as a lawyer was occupied in bringing about private compromises of hundreds of cases. I lost nothing thereby — not even money, certainly not my soul.

Mahatma Gandhi

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