How Can I Stop My Child from Joining the Military at Age 17?

In the United States, teens can technically join the military at age 17. While some parents may think that this is far too young for an individual to see active service, others believe that the military can have a positive effect on teens, helping them become mature, responsible adults. But what happens if you want to prevent your child from joining the military at this young age? What if you are divorced from the other parent? Who makes the final decision?

If you and your ex cannot agree on major decisions involving your child, legal action may be necessary. A family law attorney in Georgia can help you approach this situation with a confident strategy. We can make sure your parental rights are being respected by the courts. Contact us to book your face-to-face consultation and take action as soon as possible. 

Parental Consent and Joining the Military at Age 17

Generally speaking, both parents are required to give their consent if a child wishes to join the military at age 17. The only exception is if one parent is unavailable. Note that this has nothing to do with custody laws in Georgia, but rather the military’s own policies regarding recruits at the age of 17. The only exception is if your child is emancipated – in which case they would not need permission from either parent. 

Legal Custody Explained

Most parents in Georgia have something called “joint legal custody.” This means that both parents have to give mutual consent to any major decisions that affect the child’s life. Joining the military is certainly one of these major decisions, and so you should have your say. If you do not have legal custody, then you will be powerless to stop your child from enlisting in the military. Issues arise if your child obtains only one signature on their consent form and claims that you were unavailable. Technically speaking, their acceptance into the military could move forward unless you take legal action and fight for your parental rights. 

What About Military School?

Another possibility is military school. Your ex may try to put your child into military school without your consent, and this is another example of how joint legal custody can be violated. Both parents must give their consent to changes in a child’s education, and this certainly includes the possibility of being sent to military school. Again, if your ex attempts to do this without your approval, you are perfectly within your rights to take legal action. 

Enlist the Help of a Qualified Attorney Today

If you have been searching for an experienced family law attorney in Georgia, look no further than Lankford & Moore Law. Over the years, we have assisted numerous parents who are concerned about their rights and their children. Your ex may think that they know what’s best for your child, but that does not mean that they can make important decisions without your consent. Book your consultation today to take effective legal action.

I realized the true function of a lawyer was to unite parties riven asunder. The lesson was so indelibly burnt into me that a large part of my time during the twenty years of my practice as a lawyer was occupied in bringing about private compromises of hundreds of cases. I lost nothing thereby — not even money, certainly not my soul.

Mahatma Gandhi

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