After your divorce is complete in Georgia, you might be dealing with all kinds of concerns. Perhaps you are wondering about the next chapter of your life from a purely emotional perspective. Maybe you are concerned about your finances. You might also be worried about how your divorce will affect your children and your ability to spend time with them. Lingering legal matters may also be concerning. Whatever the case may be, one thing is for sure: Newly-divorced spouses in Georgia have a lot on their minds.
If you would like to discuss any of these concerns, be sure to get in touch with our divorce attorneys in Georgia. Our legal professionals can help you figure out your next steps, and we can recommend the best legal options available to you. This might be an especially smart move if you are unsatisfied with the way your divorce has been handled, and you would like to explore modifications of child support, child custody, and more.
Name Changes
While many spouses do not change their names after divorces, this might be a solid choice for a lot of individuals in Georgia. This is especially true if your marriage only lasted a few years, and you never really became accustomed to using your new last name in the first place. A name change is a relatively routine legal procedure, and your attorney can certainly help you with this. Changing your name also allows you to “start fresh” and put the memories of your marriage behind you.
Canceling Joint Accounts
If you have not done so already, you should also cancel any joint accounts you might have with your former spouse. Make sure that you address all of your accounts and not just the most obvious ones. Along with credit cards and bank accounts, you might also want to cancel joint online subscriptions, cell phone plans, and the like.
Check Your Credit Report
As a general rule, it is a good idea to check your credit report about three months after your divorce has been finalized. This should give you a good idea of where you stand financially, and you can quickly address any issues before you get any nasty surprises down the road. If your credit report is concerning, you might want to speak with an accountant or a financial advisor.
Revise Your Will
You will also need to revise your will after a divorce. The last thing you want is for your ex to inherit your estate after your passing, which is a real possibility if you do not act quickly. An estate planning attorney can help you revise your will in an efficient manner.
Consider Modifications
Finally, think about any modifications that you might want to strive for. If the child support agreement is not to your liking, for example, you may want to discuss this with your attorney. If circumstances change, you may be able to modify the agreement with the help of a qualified family law attorney.
Enlist the Help of a Qualified Attorney Today
If you have been searching the Georgia area for a qualified, experienced family law attorney, look no further than Lankford & Moore Law. We know that even after a divorce has been finalized, there still may be a number of issues that require resolution. Book your consultation today.