If you have been driving for many years, you have probably seen quite a few emergency vehicles on Georgia’s roads. Often, these vehicles are traveling very quickly, and their movements may be somewhat unpredictable. You may have passed a stationary emergency vehicle on the side of the road, or perhaps one of these vehicles suddenly appeared in your rear-view mirror. It is important for drivers in Georgia to be aware of their legal responsibilities during a situation like this. Acting in the proper way not only helps first responders deal with emergencies safely, but it also protects you against potential legal consequences.
If you have been accused of violating Georgia’s move over law, illegally passing an emergency vehicle, or a similar offense, get in touch with a qualified attorney as soon as possible. Courts may have little sympathy for those who interfere with first responders, even if these incidents are accidental. This is why it is important to enlist the help of experienced legal counsel who can help you fight for your rights.
What Should You Do if You See an Emergency Vehicle Behind You?
If you see an emergency vehicle behind you, you should move to the right-hand side of the road, slow down, and safely come to a stop as close to the curb as possible. You should also avoid stopping in the middle of an intersection. On the other hand, do not delay moving over because you think you can reach an intersection and turn before the emergency vehicle reaches you. You should always move over and come to a stop as soon as possible. If you cannot move over for whatever reason, your last resort is to come to a complete stop.
What if the Emergency Vehicle is Stationary?
If you see a stationary emergency vehicle in Georgia, you need to avoid being charged with improper passing of an emergency vehicle. This is connected with Georgia’s “move over law.” Basically, you need to put an entire lane between you and the emergency vehicle when passing by. If you are in the lane closest to the stationary emergency vehicle, you need to switch lanes and create more space before you pass by.
This law was created to protect the lives of police officers and other first responders who may be conducting their business partly within the outside lane. If you violate this law, you will face a fine of up to $500. You will also receive three points on your license. Note that if the emergency vehicle was not associated with the fire department, police department, or paramedics (such as a dump truck or a tow truck), you will face less serious consequences.
Enlist the Help of a Qualified Attorney Today
If you have been searching the Georgia area for a qualified, experienced traffic offense attorney, look no further than Lankford & Moore Law. Get in touch with our office as quickly as possible, and we start developing an effective defense strategy for you immediately. These offenses can be serious, so it is best to put your best foot forward. Book your consultation today.