Clearly you should never violate your probation orders. When you are placed on probation, you are given specific requirements and these probation terms are set with the expectation that you will abide by them. Once the rules of your probation have been established, they are not open for discussion or debate. Violating the terms of your probation can result in severe and long-lasting consequences, which is why following every single one of the terms of the agreement is key to preventing a variety of disastrous outcomes.
Types of Probation Violations
There are a variety of ways that a person can violate the terms of their probation in Georgia, but in most situations, they fall under one of three categories — technical violations, substantive violations, and special-condition violations. If you do not meet the technical condition for your probation terms, such as failing to pay a fine or fee on time, failing to pay restitution as required, or failing to report to your probation officers could all be considered technical violations. Leaving the jurisdiction you are required to stay in could also be considered a technical violation in some situations.
If you failed to meet a special condition of your probation, that would result in a special condition violation. For example, not maintaining employment, avoiding contact with someone as part of a restraining order, or other conditions set for in your probation agreement may all result in a special condition violation. A substantive violation occurs when you are arrested for another crime before your probationary period is over. All of these violations should be avoided and the consequences for violating them can be serious.
Consequences of a Probation Violation
There are a variety of possible outcomes when a person violates the terms of their probation and none of the consequences are good. You could be ordered to spend extra time performing community service or pay an additional fine. These types of consequences are common if your probation violation is considered to be relatively minor. Another common type of punishment for a probation violation is extending your probationary sentence. This could be for a few months or a few years.
You may also be required to undergo drug or alcohol abuse counseling or special conditions may be added to your probation terms. In some situations, your probation may simply be revoked, which could result in you going to jail, especially if the violation is considered criminal in nature.
Contact an Experienced Criminal Defense Attorney Today
If you have violated the terms of your probation, you need to speak to a criminal defense attorney as soon as possible. The experienced attorneys at Lankford & Moore Law will work to protect your rights and achieve the best possible outcome for your probation violation. We will always have your best interest in mind, so do not put your freedom in the hands of someone who you can not trust and who does not have the experience to handle your case the way you deserve. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.