If you are eligible to receive alimony in Georgia, you might be wondering whether these funds will allow you to maintain your current standard of living. This is an understandable concern, especially if you have grown accustomed to a luxurious lifestyle. If you have no real income opportunities, you might be worried about poverty after your divorce. Could alimony maintain your standard of living? Is this even what alimony in Georgia is designed to do?
Family Courts Consider Standards of Living When Awarding Alimony
First, you should know that courts will consider the standard of living you enjoyed during the marriage when awarding alimony. This might include the type of home you lived in, vacations, eating habits, access to healthcare, and so on. If you lived a luxurious lifestyle during your marriage, it is important to highlight this as you seek alimony.
There Is No Way to Guarantee You Will Have the Same Standard of Living
That being said, there is no guarantee that your standard of living will be maintained post-divorce. Studies show that many spouses encounter poverty after divorce, and this issue affects women more than men.
Courts Consider Many Other Factors When Awarding Alimony
Your previous standard of living is only one factor considered by courts in Florida. Other factors include the duration of your marriage, your age, your financial resources, and your contributions to the marriage. It is worth noting that alimony is becoming increasingly rare in Georgia. Permanent alimony is only appropriate after long-term marriages lasting a decade or more. Even if your marriage lasted ten years, your alimony may eventually stop unless you are disabled or elderly.
Rehabilitative Alimony Is Becoming More Common
You should know that rehabilitative alimony is becoming increasingly common in Georgia. This type of alimony occurs over a shorter period of time, and it is designed to make you financially independent. During your rehabilitative alimony term, you may be expected to attend post-secondary education, earn qualifications, and re-enter the workforce. In other words, you may be responsible for your own standard of living after your divorce.
Child Support Can Also Help Maintain Your Standard of Living
Remember, your children may also be entitled to support. Your children may have also experienced a high standard of living during the marriage, and the family court may wish to maintain this lifestyle. As a result, your child support funds could help you and your children continue living in the same manner you enjoyed during the marriage. Combined with alimony, this could be enough to reduce the chances of destitution and poverty.
Can a Family Law Attorney in Georgia Help Me Get More Alimony?
If you’re concerned about your current standard of living slipping away, an experienced alimony attorney in Georgia could help you pursue financial security. While alimony can provide an economic safety net, there are many other sources of wealth to consider – including property division and child support. To discuss a potential strategy for your upcoming divorce, reach out to Lankford & Moore Law today.