You are approaching marriage for the first time. You have seen the statistics. You know what is at stake – and you know how likely divorce is. Deep down, you know that while your relationship is filled with joy, things can change quickly. And after a little bit of research, you have decided that you want to get a prenup. But when you broach this topic with your partner, they react badly and dismiss the entire idea. What should you do next?
Do Not Pressure Them
Although your first reaction might be to push them into signing the prenup, this strategy will likely backfire. If it is revealed that the prenuptial was signed under duress, the entire agreement will become invalid. It is essential that both spouses sign the agreement without any undue influence, and your spouse must come to their own conclusions. A more effective strategy would be to step back, give your spouse some room, and try a less direct method of persuasion.
Educate Your Spouse
Prenups have a negative stigma among many spouses, but this mindset is often the result of a lack of understanding. One of your main goals should be to educate your spouse about how prenups work. Once your spouse has a more in-depth understanding of this concept, many of the fears and paranoias may be alleviated. Encourage your spouse to give voice to these fears and ask questions. You can also meet together with a family law attorney who can provide a clear, concise explanation of how a prenuptial agreement works.
Stress the Fact that Prenups are Mutually Beneficial
Many spouses forget that most prenuptial agreements are not designed to protect the interests of just one party. Instead, prenuptial agreements must be reasonable and fair to be valid in court. If your partner fears being targeted by a prenuptial agreement, remind them that they can control and modify many aspects of the agreement, if necessary. For example, your spouse could be protected from your debts with the help of a prenuptial agreement. Your spouse could also create their own conditions. For example, some spouses have received financial payments if their partners were unfaithful during the marriage. You can also stress the fact that prenups cultivate trust and will not come into play if the relationship is solid.
Where Can I Find a Family Law Attorney in Georgia?
If you have been searching for a qualified, experienced family law attorney in Georgia, look no further than Lankford & Moore Law. Over the years, we have helped numerous couples in the Cotton State. With our help, you can decide whether or not a prenuptial is in your best interests. You can also explore other options that can protect your assets in the event of a divorce. Book your consultation today to get started with an effective action plan.