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What Should I Tell My Kids About Child Custody in Georgia?
Navigating the child custody process is one thing, but telling your children about the outcome of this legal process is another thing altogether. It may
Can I Spy on My Ex to Reduce Alimony in Georgia?
For many spouses, a key priority is the reduction or elimination of alimony as quickly as possible after divorce. These payments can prove to be
How Do Prosecutors Prove Gang Involvement in Georgia Drug Cases?
According to the DEA, Mexican cartels control about 70% of all drugs that flow into the United States. They rake in billions in the process,
These Traffic Laws Just Went Into Effect in Georgia
Although most people are unaware of this, Georgia tends to bring in new laws on the first of July – not the first of January.
Pros and Cons of Paying a Traffic Ticket in Georgia
After becoming aware of your traffic ticket in Georgia, you face an important decision: Do you pay your ticket or fight it in court? Internet
Do I Have to Pay Alimony in Georgia?
If you are heading toward divorce in Georgia, you might be wondering whether you will have to pay your ex alimony. While internet research represents
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