Financial hardship can overflow into all other aspects of your life, creating additional stress and burdening areas of your life that were previously just fine. Sometimes the reason it seems impossible to get it ahead is because it actually is impossible! Bankruptcy exists to allow people caught in the downward spiral to hit the reset button and get a fresh start. People from all walks of life file bankruptcy for a multitude of reasons. You may have faced job loss, medical expenses, divorce, lawsuits, foreclosures, repossessions, garnishments, or something else. Regardless of the cause, the attorneys at Lankford & Moore Law are here to help you get back in control. We can explain both Chapter 7 bankruptcy and Chapter 13 bankruptcy options. During your free bankruptcy consultation, your attorney will review your situation and help you come up with a solution.
Immediate Relief from Creditors
Your relief starts immediately. When you hire an attorney at Lankford & Moore Law to file your bankruptcy, you can tell your creditors to stop calling you because you are represented. We know exactly how to give those annoying collection agencies the runaround so you can find peace. With years of experience dealing with creditors, Lankford & Moore Law can stop even the most persistent collections attorney. Foreclosure? We can stop it. Repossession? We can get it back. Garnishment? We can undo it. Don’t let creditors bully you. Let Lankford & Moore Law even the playing field.
Affordable Bankruptcy Experts
But how can you afford an attorney if you can’t even pay your debt? The attorneys at Lankford & Moore Law are experts in reorganizing your finances. That helps to not only cover your legal fees, but also setting you on the right path to financial success. Also, your attorney can set up a payment plan that works for you. After completing their bankruptcy with Lankford & Moore Law, most clients aren’t just out of debt – they are saving money! That’s because you aren’t just a number when you hire Lankford & Moore Law. Your Lankford & Moore Law attorney will take a personal interest in your case and make sure that your fresh start gets you back on track – permanently.